Globalizacijos poveikis socialinei apsaugai ir socialinei atskirčiai
Vilniaus universitetas |
Date Issued |
2004 |
Šiame straipsnyje pirmą kartą analizuojama globalizacijos įtaka socialinei apsaugai ir socialinei atskirčiai. Remdamasis gausiais Lietuvos makrosocialiniais duomenimis autorius įrodo, kaip lygia greta su globalizacija socialiniuose procesuose tarpsta ir vystosi jos antipodas – glokalizacija, kuri pasižymi neigiamais, tam tikrų visuomenės grupių atskyrimą skatinančiais elementais.
The article deals with the impact of globalization on social security and social exclusion in Lithuania for the first time in Lithuanian social sciences literature. The article consists of 5 parts: in the first part “globalization risk” and related non-traditional methodology is examined, in the second part the relation between globalization and glocalization is analysed, in the third part of the article the changes of Lithuanian macrosocial indicators are examined, in the fourth part the role of libertarian ideology and practise for social exclusion development is shown and the fifth part reveals the positive and negative shifts in Lithuanian state social security. The author relies on Lithuanian macrosocial data and tries to prove that parallelly with globalization its antipode – glocalization – is thriving in the social processes. Globalization impact on social exclusion may be understood not only in its narrow sense – as marginalization of different “traditional” social risk groups but also in the wider meaning because globalization is raising risks for many life spheres and even for entire society. Globalization often positively influences the social position of the “winners” and enables their better selfrealization. But globalization often negatively influences the situation of the “loosers” when they are imprisoned in glocalization for the longer or shorter time without any clear perspectives to rise. Among social security backwardness and the reasons of social exclusion formation were: a) the lack of financial resources, b) accelerating globalization and transformation rates – when the system could not “develop into deepness” but was forced to chase headlong perfunctory all the time accelerating processes. The strife was followed not against the reasons but against the separate negative social consequences.