Ispanijos elektroninės valdžios projektų analizė
Date Issued |
2002 |
Straipsnyje analizuojami Ispanijos elektroninës valdþios projektai: interneto ryðio atpiginimo politika, informacinës visuomenës plëtra, modernios mokesèiø sistemos internete ágyvendinimas, elektroniniø rinkimø galimybës ir perspektyvos, „Universaliø interneto vartø” projektas, elektroniniø sertifikatø iðdavimo projektas, naujø teledarbo aplinkø kûrimas, elektroninio administravimo perspektyvos. Ispanijoje elektroninë valdþia kuriama ágyvendinant atskirus projektus nuo 1998 m. Ispanija – jauna ir sparèiai besivystanti Europos Sàjungos (ES) valstybë, todël ðiø projektø patirtis galëtø praversti Lietuvai.
Spanish electronic government projects are analysed in this article. These projects are the reduction of prices for the Internet connection, information society development, modern tax system in Internet, electronic election possibilities and perspectives, „Unified Internet window“ project, electronic certificates project, telework establishment and the perspectives of electronic administration. Spanish electronic government were creating in the realization of individual projects from the year 1998. Spain is a young and quickly developing European Union state and because of this the experience of Spanish e-government projects would be very useful for Lithuania.