Socialinio pedagogo veiklos modeliavimas reguliuojant tarpusavio santykius mokykloje
Author(s) | |
Šapelytė, Odeta | Šiaulių universitetas |
Date Issued |
2002 |
Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas socialinis-psichologinis klasės klimato pobūdis, pristatomi mokinių sociologinės apklausos rezultatai (N = 581). Remiantis teorine ir matematine-statistine tyrimo duomenų analize atskleistas tarpusavio santykių, lemiančių socialinį-psichologinį klasės klimatą, teorinis modelis. Išskirti tarpusavio santykių mokykloje struktūriniai elementai: mokinių tarpusavio santykiai, mokytojų profesinių ir bendravimo įgūdžių darna, mokytojų sąveikos su mokiniais stilius, mokinių nuostata mokytojų atžvilgiu. Tyrimo rezultatai akivaizdžiai parodė mokytojo asmenybės svarbą socialiniam-psichologiniam klimatui. Pateikiamas hipotetinis teorinis socialinio pedagogo veiklos modelis, skirtas socialiniam-psichologiniam klimatui reguliuoti, bei bandoma apibrėžti socialinio pedagogo veiklos gaires edukacinėje aplinkoje.
In this article the problem of social-psychological climate in a class and results of a survey carried among pupils (N=581) are being analyzed. A social pedagogue's role in the educational system is being discussed and a theoretical model of his/her activity in the sphere of intercourses at school is represented. The theoretical model of interrelations at school has been carried out and it has turned out to be manifold. Relations between pupils, teacher's ability to communicate and to teach as well as to interferer with pupils, teacher's and pupil's attitude towards their teachers are structural elements of interrelations at school. They are discussed as well. The results of the research have disclosed the inferior interaction at school and have shown how a teacher's personality affects intercourses. A new professional-social pedagogue is a positive phenomenon at school, which can help to solve many problems in the educational environment. For a regulation of the intercourses some theoretical model of social pedagogue's activity has been created. The model consists of four elements: establishing auto-reflection groups of interrelations; teachers consulting and organization \ of educational system; creating environment system, which stimulates interaction and collaboration, \ solution of arisen conflicts. The model is not the completed pattern to be followed. These are only the main landmarks, which can and should be corrected by a social pedagogue according to the | situation he/she faces at school.