Socialinio verslo perspektyvos Lietuvoje
Klaipėdos universiteto leidykla |
Date Issued |
2011 |
Šiuo straipsniu siekiama atskleisti socialinio verslo iniciatyvų Lietuvoje perspektyvas. Socialinis verslas - tai nauja verslo forma Lietuvoje, kuri remiasi verslo principų taikymu su tikslu - prisiimti socialinę atsakomybę bei mažinti socialinę atskirtį visuomenėje. Dėl daugelio priežasčių Lietuvoje nėra socialinio verslo tradicijų, kitaip nei užsienyje, todėl tai sudaro kliūčių šioms iniciatyvoms toliau plisti.
The article presents the importance of social entrepreneship during economic crisis and summaries the scientific research in social entrepreneship definitions and initiatives in Lithuania and foreign countries, demonstrating the effects of socially beneficial activities. The economic crisis has forced many to rethink the use of a commercial business to be more open to the public and actively cooperate with it. This has led social business initiatives that aim to address social development of commercial activities. Aim of paper – reveal the definition of social entrepreneship and to present the social business initiatives and perspectives in Lithuania. Research methodology. This article is based on comparative analysis of scientific literature, summarizing the results of scientific research and providing the authors’ insights on the subject. Lithuania still has a white spot on the global map of social business. There are several reasons: a small market, undeveloped economy, there is no tradition of charity or assistance, NGOs are used to grant and project support by the EU, the social services of the strong impact of budgetary institutions and financial instruments focus only on financial rather than social returns. Therefore, it is important to understand the social problems of business and encourage private initiatives to solve them.