Doktorantūros kokybės gerinimo metodika Mykolo Romerio universitete
Author(s) | |
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2008 |
Šiame straipsnyje siekiama pristatyti Mykolo Romerio universiteto mokslininkų grupės sukurtą doktorantūros kokybės vertinimo ir tobulinimo metodiką. Tyrimas atliktas 2007 m. vykdant Europos Sąjungos Socialinio fondo finansuotą projektą „Magistrantūros, doktorantūros ir mokslinės veiklos organizavimo procesų kokybės užtikrinimo metodikų parengimas, bandomojo vertinimo išvadų ir tobulinimo rekomendacijų pateikimas".
The methodology to assess the quality of doctoral degree studies was prepared in order to present recommendations on the ways to improve doctoral degree studies and their organization at Mykolas Romeris University. It has been prepared by adjusting best practice of foreign countries and other Lithuanian universities. A doctoral degree study organization analysis has been undertaken by adjusting ,,6 Sigma"_methodology and by creating three special questionnaires. It has been examined how university graduates, their moderators and administrators evalu ate doctoral degree studies and their quality. According to the results of this research, proposals how to improve doctoral degree study process quality were presented and instruments for quality process systematic measurement, evaluation and quality improvement have been suggested. It was suggested to compare the current good international and national doctoral study organization practice by adjusting SWOT analysis and comparable analysis. It was also suggested to perform periodic (3-5 year) doctoral degree study process quality evaluations, according to the established quality improvement goals and expected indicators, which we suggested in this research. We suggest performing them by adjusting three questionnaires of doctoral degree studies stakeholders by using our proposed instrument. Special questionnaires were created in accordance with the established stages of the process of doctoral degree studies so that the quality of every stage could be assessed. In order to evaluate the doctoral degree study programs we have offered a "peer review" method. During the project we have established a primary data base quality improvement process of the doctoral degree studies. We suggest using 6 Sigma methodology for further investigations in order to monitor the whole process.