Fikcijos baudžiamajame procese: tarp ontologinės „tikrovės“, teisėkūros ir teisės taikymo
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2014 |
Straipsnyje analizuojama fikcijų raiška baudžiamajame procese: fikcijų santykis su konkuruojančiais baudžiamojo proceso tikslais; su neišvengiama teisėsaugos institucijų pareigūnų diskrecija ir teisės taikymu. Teisinio bei faktinio diskurso skirtumai, baudžiamojo proceso paskirties, atskirų institutų ir teisės normų prieštaringumai sukuria prielaidas teorinėms, faktinėms ir pozityviosios teisės fikcijoms atsirasti.
Another kind of factual fictions occurs when a general rule is not fully appropriate for the enforcement of legal liability, and then such general rule needs to be interpreted broadly, according to its spirit, not only its text. Such factual fictions are also associated with legal discretion and can be called not only as fictions, but also as teleological application of law or (from the viewpoint of layperson’s discourse) the white lie. Other kinds of fictions are legal ones: they occur on account of the gap between social reality and positive law, e.g., the implication of coercive measures is directly associated with the seriousness of crimes, for which the measures can be applied. However, sometimes the way of committing a crime calls for specific coercive measures (methods to investigate crimes) that cannot be applied due to certain legal constructions. For example, telephone fraud (no matter how big is the sum involved) calls for telephone interceptions. The aforementioned procedural measures should depend not only on the seriousness of an offense (which is a theoretical construct, not necessarily having much to do with the nature of the offense), but also on the way of making a criminal act: there are petty crimes that are difficult to investigate and there are serious crimes that are easy to investigate. To sum up, different kinds of fictions exist in criminal procedure: theoretical ones, related to the purpose and the aims of criminal procedure; practical ones, related to the legal discretion and the application of law; and legal ones, related to legal norms that are hardly compatible with the dynamic social reality.