Bendra privatizacijos prielaidų charakteristika
Author(s) | |
Savas, Emanuel Steve | Niujorko Baruch College City universitetas |
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2004 |
Straipsnio tikslas - aptarti teorines privatizacijos prielaidas. Straipsnyje, nagrinėjama bendra privatizacijos prielaidų charakteristika ir pačios privatizacijos esmė. Daugiausia dėmesio skiriama privatizacijos veiksniams. Aptariamas kiekvieno šių veiksnių poveikis privatizacijai, taip pat skirtumas tarp visuomeninio ir privačiojo sektoriaus. Atskleidžiamas valstybinio sektoriaus vaidmuo planinės ir rinkos ekonomikos šalyse.
The word govern comes from a Greek root ,,kybern", which means to ,,steer" (The same root appears in cybernetics, the science of control.) The job of government is to steer, not to row. Delivering services - whether repairing streets or operating an airline - is rowing, and government is nor very good at this task. Privatization is a pragmatic policy for restoring government to its fundamental role, steering, while relying on the private sector to do the rowing. Privatization can be defined broadly as relying more on the private institutions of society and lesson government to satisfy people's needs. It is the act of reducing the role of government or increasing the role of the other institutions of society in producing goods and services and in owning property. In general, both the public and private sectors play important roles, and it is increasingly common to refer to ,,public-private partnerships'', a less contentious term than ,,privatization". A public-private partnership is defined as any arrangement between a government and the private sector in which partially or traditionally public activities are performed by the private sector.