Išėjimas iš darbo dėl konflikto: naratyvinė analizė
Klaipėdos universiteto leidykla |
Date Issued |
2010 |
Remiantis gautais rezultatais, galima daryti prielaidą, kad žmonės, išėję iš darbo dėl konfliktų patiria prieštaringus jausmus, naudoja prisitaikymo strategiją latentinėje konflikto stadijoje, lygina save su kitais žmonėmis, patyrusiais išėjimą iš darbo dėl konfliktų. Darbuotojai, išėję iš darbo dėl konflikto, sulaukė teigiamų rezultatų:- vieni išmoko konstruktyviau valdyti konfliktus, kiti-rado organizacijas, kurių vertybės ir požiūris į darbuotoją sutampa su darbuotojo įsitikinimais.
The analysis revealed that people who abandon their employment places due to conflicts experience the stages in a predicted sequence. The people noticed the first signs of conflict in their close work environment; the original reasons for leaving jobs were rather diverse; all the former employees felt continuous anxiety during the period between the primary indications of conflict until the leaving of the job; most of the people went through the delitescence stage of the conflict, only the duration of this stage differed; all the former employees refused to change their values, they chose to leave their jobs; finally, all the former employees who left their jobs due to conflicts at work eventually achieved positive results. Thus, based on the obtained results, it is possible to make a conclusion that people who leave their jobs because of conflicts at work, experience diverse emotions and at first apply smoothing strategy during the deitescence stage of the conflict. Later they use restatement, compensatory or pressure tactics in order to achieve certain changes, but they are not successful. Then they use act of retribution-leaving the job.