Good practice in teaching ESP Presentations
Date Issued |
2006 |
This paper addresses the research into learners’ attitudes to speaking in public on different themes and learners’ perceptions of experienced gains and lacks. Each learner encounters various difficulties in making presentations, and these difficulties need to be identified and dealt with. Evaluation of public speaking allows to determine strengths and weaknesses and work out the methodology of teaching effective presentations. The outcome of research is drawing general outline of good practice in helping learners master public speaking.
Darbe buvo tirtos studentų nuomonės apie prezentacijų naudingumą ir jų rengimą. Tyrimams naudotos įvairios anketos, kurios buvo kruopščiai analizuojamos. Pateikiami patarimai, kaip išmokyti studentus kalbėti profesonaliai ir sklandžiai.