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A comparative survey of students‘ management skills and abilities at Vilnius College and banking institution of higher education of Latvia. Relationship with student programmes
Type of publication
Straipsnis nerecenzuojamoje užsienio tarptautinės konferencijos medžiagoje / Article in non-peer-reviewed foreign international conference proceedings (P2a)
Title [en]
A comparative survey of students‘ management skills and abilities at Vilnius College and banking institution of higher education of Latvia. Relationship with student programmes
Publisher (trusted)
The Banking Institution of Higher Education (BIHE) |
Date Issued
Date Issued |
2005 |
p. 8-14
Is part of
Increasing the value of businnes : New insights and approaches : 7th annual international conference, October 14, 2005, Riga, Latvia [Elektroninis išteklius] / The Banking Institution of Higher Education (BIHE). Riga : Banku Augstskola, 2005.
Field of Science
Type of document
type::text::conference output::conference proceedings::conference paper
Coverage Spatial
Latvija / Latvia (LV)
Anglų / English (en)
Bibliographic Details