Korupcija viešuosiuose pirkimuose: nuo teorinės apibrėžties iki atvejo studijos (II dalis)
Palidauskaitė, Jolanta |
Ereminaitė, Simona |
The aim of the paper is to analyze the possibilities for corruption prevention in public procurement. The paper consists of three parts. The extent of corruption in public procurement was analyzed in the first part. Conducted surveys point to the following problems which Lithuanian businesses are facing: lack of transparency, corruption, dishonesty, red-tape, imitated competition when the winner is already known in advance. The complexity of the public procurement process, numerous documents which has to be submitted sometimes gives a clue to participants to seek for possibilities which might help shorten the procedure and guarantee the victory. The analyses of Kaunas city practise organizing public procurement is presented in the second chapter. It shows that the procedure is organized in old-fashion way and new information technologies are not used. There are still possibilities for the corrupted conduct. In the last chapter possibilities for public procurement improvement were presented. Special attention was paid towards the modernization of the process (convenience for the participants, economical aspect while saving public money, etc.).
Straipsnyje nagrinėjama korupcijos apraiškų viešųjų pirkimų procese tema, remiantis Kauno miesto savivaldybės atveju. Straipsnyje įvardijamos konkrečios skaidrumo problemos viešuosiuose pirkimuose, taip pat numatomos viešųjų pirkimų tvarkos tobulinimo perspektyvos. Autorių pateikiami Kauno miesto savivaldybės atvejo studijos rezultatai gali būti panaudojami įgyvendinant priemones, galinčias padėti tobulinti viešųjų pirkimų organizavimą.