Challenges to regional security
Oliveira, Paulo Fernando Violante de | Lusófonos humanitarinių technologijų universitetas |
Date Issued |
2012 |
This article presents actual problems, related to regional security, which occur in EU in the process of globalization. These long – existing practices of information-sharing and transnational police cooperation have accelerated in recent decades. Information travels instantaneously in cyberspace; speedy transportation brings the most distant and exotic lands within the reach of the intrepid traveller, including police officials; the world’s economy and financial system are intricately integrated and respond to butterfly disturbances in any part of the globe; crime and insecurity are not limited by borders. Globalization – the systematic interconnections among local and global conditions brought on by technological advances and emergent cultural syntheses – has changed security issues and policing priorities as transnational security threats, mostly various forms of illegal commerce, have expanded in parallel with legal commerce, communication and transportation1. Globalization affects peoples lives in many states; nevertheless, the ongoing changes do not after the system of the hierarcgy of human need: the most important needs of each person are needs for security and welfare2. Economic and political integration, the European Union being the most advanced example, have necessitated a concomitant integration, harmonization and cooperation among laws, policies and agencies. In the EU, this now means working in an incereasingly borderless “Schengen space.” This article aims to reveal the major threats emerging regional security and sought a proposal from the law enforcement authorities activities of overall coordination, discussed priority areas of cooperation.
Temos aktualumą rodo tai, jog didžiausias sunkumas, su kuriuo susiduriame, tebėra reagavimas į globalizacinius pokyčius kovojant su nusikalstamumu ir nelegalia imigracija, plėtojant Europos teisingumo erdvę, gerinant visų asmenų saugumą pasitelkiant terorizmo ir sunkių nusikaltimų pavojų nustatymo priemones, taip pat užtikrinant tinkamą saugumo ir privatumo pusiausvyrą. Tam reikalinga sutelkti EU valsybių narių pajėgas. Siekiant atsakyti į temos problematiką, straipsnyje naudojami tyrimo metodai: analizės, analogijos, apibendrinimo, analitinis, sisteminis metodai. Pagrindinis metodas – mokslinės literatūros analizė, tai yra duomenų rinkimas iš mokslinės literatūros, nacionalinių ir tarptautinių teisės aktų.