Multi-criteria heat generation technologies assessment
Date Issued |
2014 |
District heat sector is one of the most important energy sectors in Lithuania. Based on energy policy priorities in Lithuania comparative assessment of heat generation technologies was performed. There are several main criteria useful for assessment of energy technologies in district heating selected form energy policy priorities analysis. Primary energy factor, carbon dioxide emission factor, renewable and recycled energy factor, long-term heat generation costs and energy efficiency including security of supply are the main criteria applied for the ranking of energy technologies in district heat. The multi-criteria analysis is useful in this terms as provides for trade-off between conflicting criteria and allow to identify the best technologies in district heat sector in terms of implementing targets of sustainable development in energy field. The aim of the paper is to assess biomass technologies in district heating. The main tasks of the paper are: to analyse priorities of Lithuanian energy policy and based on these priorities to analyse, compare and rank the heat generation technologies in Lithuanian district heat sector.