Derybininko kalbos strateginės orientacijos
Author(s) | |
Peleckis, Kęstutis | Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas |
Peleckienė, Valentina | Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas |
Peleckis, Kęstutis | Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas |
Lietuvos verslo kolegija |
Date Issued |
2014 |
Strategiškai planuojant derybinę kalbą norima išvengti atsitiktinumų ir pasirinkti tinkamiausias priemones užsibrėžtam tikslui pasiekti. Strateginių orientacijų įgyvendinimas susijęs su kiekvienu kalbos aspektu. Derėjimasis, arba kitaip sakant viešas kalbėjimas derybose, yra strateginis procesas, kuris apima aplinkybių, kai sakoma kalba, supratimą, apgalvotą elgesį tuo metu ir rengiamą planą, kaip pasiekti savo tikslus. Derėjimosi metu derybininkai kartu kuria bendrai reikšmingą dalyką, jų mintys, nuomonės, nuostatos ir vertybės yra tikrinamos, derinamos, tobulinamos per tarpusavio sąveiką. Kultūriškai skirtingų derybininkų požiūriai gali gerokai skirtis. Konkrečiam derybininkui vieni dalykai, faktai gali būti svarbesni ar reikšmingesni už kitus, jo nusistatymą jų atžvilgiu lems tai, kaip jis pats interpretuos ir supras išgirstus teiginius.
avoid coincidences and to choose the most appropriate means to achieve its objective. Implementation of the strategic orientations is associated with each aspect of the language. Negotiating, in other words, it is a public speaking in the negotiations, is a strategic process, which includes an understanding of the circumstances, the deliberate behavior and a plan how to achieve your goals. During the time of negotiating the negotiators together are creating a commonly significant thing, their thoughts, opinions, attitudes and values are tested, adapted, developed through interaction. Negotiators approaches of different cultures can vary significantly. For one negotiator some things and facts may be more important or more significant than for others, and his attitude towards them will determine how he will interpret and understand the statements which he have heard. Strategies of the negotiating speech are focused on future speech, negotiating activities and are associated with the prediction of the possible negotiation, rhetorical situations. It is important to know the motives and interests of the other side of the negotiation. Negotiator with his speech encourages other side of the negotiations to start something, to change something, to complete something, affects the values, attitudes, provisions, makes an impact on decision-making. The negotiators making influence are expecting from the other side of the negotiation the corresponding and predictable reaction. In process of arguing are involved both negotiating sides - one side uses the tools of persuasion and another side - more or less replace its beliefs or firmly comply with its views.