Skolintos šaknies žodžių vartojimas dalykinio stiliaus tekstuose
Lietuvių kalbos institutas |
Date Issued |
2004 |
The article deals with the usage of loanwords in the texts of functional style of administrative Lithuanian. It examines them in terms of frequency of occurrence, parts of speech, most frequent patterns of word formation. The loanwords under analysis have been compared to loanwords of other functional styles of Lithuanian. The investigation has been based on the Dictionary of Frequencies of Modern Written Lithuanian. As a result, the following usage tendencies have been identified: 1. Loanwords comprise the most significant part of lexis of Lithuanian administrative texts. In the corpus of the most frequent words of this style (87.63%) loanwords make up 23.15%; in the corpus of words of medium frequency they comprise 29.88%; in the corpus of least frequent words they make up 31.90%. 2. Out of all parts of speech, nouns make up the largest part of loanwords (71.35% of words, 79,67 % of word occurrences). 3. The most frequent suffix of loan nouns is -ija and its variant -(i)acija. Derivatives of this type make up 40.61%. 4. The majority of loan adjectives are derived with the help of the suffix - inis (84.71%), whereas verbs give preference to the suffix -(iz)uoti (93.97%), 5. Lithuanian texts written in the administrative style contain a number of non-standard loanwords (kaštai, biznis, marketingas, menedžeris, brokeris).