Racionalioji rekonstrukcija ir filosofijos istoriografija
Author(s) | |
Kabelka, Gintaras | Lietuvos kultūros tyrimų institutas |
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Date Issued |
2006 |
The article analyzes the development of the rational reconstruction concept, and reviews the evolution of its understanding by means of analytical philosophy s expression of logical analysis, a method of writing scientific history, to the postanalytical interpretation of the history of philosophy. The different images of philosophical development that are part of this method are made explicit, and the dependence of the success of the reconstruction on its theoretical assumptions and the problem of their choice is discussed, together with the adequacy of this method s results and power of explanation. On the grounds of different methodological concepts, a common model of rational reconstruction, which is intended for research into the history of philosophy, is attempted, and its constructivity and application boundaries are shown. The translation of past theories to modern terminology is considered an essential attribute of rational reconstruction. The conclusions of the article will be used for the identification and evaluation of the use of this method in Lithuanian historiography of philosophy.