Lietuvos savivaldybių socialinių paslaugų finansavimo analizė
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2010 |
Lithuanian municipal functions and their grouping is constantly changing, and functions of municipalities are inseparable from the finances. Lithuania lacks the analytical work, in which the financing of municipal social functions would be analyzed in detail. Since the financing functions are constantly changing, so there is a need for new financing analysis arises. The theoretical aspects of functions distribution between various levels of governing and their financing, the social functions carried out by Lithuanian municipalities are discussed, the financial analysis, i.e. the income and expenditure of Lithuanian municipalities and their tendencies are analysing, the aspect of the social functions performed by the Danish municipalities and their financing is providing in this report. The methods of the scientific literature and legislative analysis, statistical analysis, comparison and summary were used in this research.