Nuteistųjų vaikinų socialinių įgūdžių reikšmės subjektyvus vertinimas ir jų požiūris į socialinių įgūdžių ugdymą pataisos namuose
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2013 |
Tyrimas atskleidė, kad daugiau nei pusė tiriamųjų, subjektyviai vertindami savo agresyvumą iki teistumo, save vertino kaip mažiau agresyvius nei patekus į pataisos namus; iki patekimo į pataisos namus agresyvesni buvo beveik ketvirtadalis jaunuolių.
The article analyses young male convicts’ subjective evaluation of their social skills and their attitude towards development of social skills in correctional facilities. The problem of the research was conditioned by the fact that adolescents in remand prisons and in correctional facilities lacked social skills. The majority of such young convicts come from single-parent or disharmonious families, where lack of social skills may be observed. Such families frequently lead asocial life; therefore, adolescents from such families weakly express intentions to lead a social life after completion of the sentence. Therefore, it was important to conduct the research on subjective evaluation of social skills possessed by adolescents servicing their sentence as well as on their attitude towards development of such skills in correctional facilities and, on the basis of the acquired research results, to enable the convicts to set up goals of positive life and to assist them in acquisition of social skills that the convicts lack. The research was conducted in Kaunas Remand Prison in January – March, 2012. The respondents received questionnaire forms and the goal of the research and instructions of filling in the questionnaire were explained and confidentiality was ensured. 120 questionnaire forms were handed out, 102 forms were returned and included into the research, striving for as reliable scientific research results as possible. The research showed that adolescents, who serviced their sentence in the correctional house, expressed a positive attitude towards development of social skills in correctional facilities [...]