Veiksniai, lemiantys smulkiojo ir vidutinio verslo įmonių augimą Lietuvoje
Author(s) | |
Gineitienė, Zinaida | Vilniaus universitetas |
Girdenis, Juozapas | Vilniaus universitetas |
Date Issued |
2006 |
Pranešime nagrinėjami veiksniai, lemiantys smulkiojo ir vidutinio verslo įmonių augimą. Išskiriamos keturios veiksnių grupės: žmogiškasis kapitalas, įmonės lygmens veiksniai, demografiniai įmonių vadovų bruožai ir verslo aplinkos veiksniai. Nustatomos mokslinėje literatūroje dominuojančios šių veiksnių poveikio įmonių augimui kryptys. Pateikiama empirinio Lietuvos smulkiojo ir viditutinio verslo įmonių tyrimo metodika ir vykdymo eiga. Analizuojami tyrimo rezultatai, nustatomi labiausiai verslo augimą Lietuvos įmonėse lemiantys veiksniai.
The main purpose of the research is to present results of the investigation of factors, affecting the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Lithuania. These issues are still poorly discussed in Lithuanian scientific publications. Main factors determining the growth of SMEs are analyzed. The determinants of growth are divided into 4 groups: human capital (education, previous entrepreneurial experience), firm level attributes (firm size, firm age, exporting activities, investments), demographic attributes of SMEs owners (SME owners' age and gender), and business environment characteristics (location of the enterprise in capital city and v.v., support for business etc.). It can be concluded that our findings in most cases coincide with the tendencies prevalent in works dealing with abovementioned determinants. Education level of business owners has positive impact on the business growth. Younger entrepreneurs expand their businesses more successfully than older ones. Some results of the investigation are rather surprising. E.g., it emerged that entrepreneurs with previous business experience are less successful in terms-of business growth than businessmen without such experience. Also, female businesses are growing even better, than male ones. The State support (financial and non-financial) is very important for the growth of SMEs. Results of the research revealed that expansion of various forms of support to SMEs could significantly contribute to their successful performance and to the development of Lithuanian economy as a whole.