Teaching of customs officers according to college programs in riga technical university
Author(s) | |
Jevinga, Irina | Riga Technical University |
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2005 |
Sėkmingai baigusieji koledžą įgyja teisę tęsti profesines bakalauro studijas pagal programą Muitų ir mokesčių vadyba. Galima pasirinkti vieną iš dviejų krypčių: - muitinės vadyba - įgyti vadovo muitinės struktūroje kvalifikaciją; - mokesčių vadyba - įgyti mokesčių srities ekonomisto kvalifikaciją, įgijusieji bakalauro laipsnį studijas gali tęsti magistrantūroje. Apibendrinant reikia pasakyti, kad Rygos technikos universitete įsteigtas koledžas sudaro palankias sąlygas sieti teritoriją ir praktiką ugdant aukštos kvalifikacijos muitinės pareigūnus, tenkinti visų grandžių muitinės pareigūnų poreikius, įgyti reikiamą profesinę kvalifikaciją.
Requirements for continuously grew when the Latvian customs was established after restoration of independence. In order to meet the requirements of the country, there was International Business and Customs Institute at Riga Technical University established in 1995. One of its goals was to analyse requirements of skilled staff of customs and taxes institutions, to create study programmes, which would meet the present time needs, and to ensure qualified lecturing of the subjects. The task was rather difficult due to several factors: a lack of experience in creating customs study programmes, an absence of analogy. At administration of a study process it appeared that students have different interests. It was difficult to train customs officers also due to the fact that legal acts regulating this field were under continuous amendments; a structure of customs institutions also went through changes and reforms, provisions of internal administration also altered, etc. This article briefly presents the analysis of a staff training in order to ensure a highly qualified customs work, to train skilled customs officers in Riga Technical University who could work according to the requirements of the European Union legal acts.