Novel remedies for intellectual property rights infringement online
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2013 |
Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas tradicinių teisinės atsakomybės priemonių nepakankamumas kovojant su intelektinės nuosavybės teisių pažeidimais elektroninėje erdvėje. Analizuojamas interneto domenų vardų priverstinis nukreipimas ir perdavimas. Siūloma perimti šią specialiąją sankciją į bendrą teisminį teisinės atsakomybės priemonių arsenalą ir išplėsti UDRP sistemą platesniam labiausiai paplitusių autorių teisių ir gretutinių teisių pažeidimų užkardymui internete. Ši priemonė padėtų pažeidimus marginalizuoti bent jau nacionaliniu mastu.
Domain seizure/takeover remedy implemented through the existing UDRP system works at the supranational level and successfully operates as an online instrument dealing with trademark rights infringement in the domain names. The author considers expansion of this special remedy and the domain seizure through the UDRP to cover copyright and related rights infringement as a viable addition to the existing remedies for the rights holders to deal with the online infringements. The former (that is a special sanction of domain seizure and take-over) may be relatively easily adopted by the judiciary both as an interim measure and as a final remedy; however, this would address only part of the challenges that enforcement of intellectual property rights faces online. Only the combination of the special sanctions and the online dispute resolution mechanism, capable to enforce such sanctions, address most inadequacies of traditional offline remedies (especially high cost, slowness and complexity, competence of the dispute resolution authority, as well as risks of political and legal abuses). This may be achieved through expansion of the existing UDRP system; however, it may need an additional supranational legal framework. The paper recognizes limitations of any rights enforcement instruments online, which are predefined by the nature of the online environment – its extraterritorial nature and span over jurisdictions, which may willingly tolerate infringement of intellectual property rights. These limitations would set the limits over the effectiveness of the novel remedies. Nevertheless, the domain seizure and take-over sanction made available for other infringements of the intellectual property rights online (chiefly copyright and related rights infringement) and enforced through relatively easily expandable UDRP system would complement the existing offline remedies and would expand the enforcement instrumentary for the rights [...]