Lietuvos nepriklausomybės atkūrimas 1990 m. Kovo 11 d. kaip politikos formavimo modelio pritaikymo idealus pavyzdys
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2010 |
Straipsnyje pateikiama viešosios politikos mokslininkų viešosios politikos analizės proceso samprata. Autorius pasirinko W. Dunno (William N. Dunn, 2006) politinio proceso modelį, jį laiko idealiu ir nagrinėdamas Lietuvos viešosios politikos įvykius 1990 m. prieš kovo 11 d. ir kovo 11 d. įrodinėja, kad šie Lietuvoje vykę įvykiai yra idealus politikos formavimo modelio pritaikymo pavyzdys . Autorius viešosios politikos proceso teorinį modelį 1990 m. Lietuvos atvejui taiko lyginamosios analizės metodu. Lietuvos viešosios politikos formavimo modelis analizuojamas remiantis autoriais, kurie yra viešosios politikos proceso tyrinėtojai – istorikai ir amžininkai – kovo 11 d. Nepriklausomybės akto paskelbimo dalyviai. Šiuo straipsniu siekiama parodyti lietuvišką viešosios politikos analizės diskursą.
Seeking to reach this aim we will solve the following tasks: we will discuss the conception of an ideal model of the public policy process; we will substantiate, why events of Lithuanian public policy, related to the Act of the Restoration of Independence of Lithuania of March 11, correspond to one of the ideal models of the public policy process, and we will reveal several methods of the political process analysis that were expressed during the restoration of independence in Lithuania on March 11. The article analyses how William N. Dunn’s phases of public policy were expressed in the public policy of Lithuania before March 11, 1990, and after the declaration of independence. Dunn’s phases of public policy are: agenda setting (selected and appointed officials formulate an agenda and add problems to it), policy formulation (an alternative problem solving policy is formulated), policy introduction (the necessary laws are being passed), policy implementation (administrative subdivisions mobilize resources and human resources), policy assessment (certain structures identify, whether the policy has reached the goals), policy correction (the necessary changes are executed), policy continuation (it is acknowledged that the policy has lost its topicality, and new goals are emerging), and policy termination (people, responsible for assessment and supervision, determine that the policy is not necessary anymore). The main conclusion is that having analysed the public policy process in Lithuania twenty years ago, we see that it corresponds to the ideal model of the public policy process; therefore it is a precedent that should be followed in Lithuanian public policy, making politics more professional and regarding theoretical models of the public policy process when making decisions.