Muitinė tarptautinės prekybos logistinėje grandinėje : mokslo studija
Martiuševskaja, Elena | |
Date Issued |
2014 |
Taigi studijoje siekiama diskutuoti su skaitytoju, kaip sisteminti šių specifinių santykių norminimą, sukurti muitinės ir verslo partnerystės prielaidas sprendžiant tarptautinės ekonomikos, visuomenės gerovės bei saugos ir saugumo klausimus. Autorius daro prielaidą, kad muitinės teisė yra integracinė- kompleksinė teisės šaka: plačios apimties teisės normų sistema, jungianti atitinkamus teisės institutus, teisės pošakius ir reguliuojanti vienos rūšies visuomeninius teisinius santykius jai būdingu bendradarbiavimo ir partnerystės metodu. Ji apima taisykles ir teisės principus, reikšmingus sisteminiam teisės taikymui muitinės administracinės veiklos ir muitinės verslo partnerystės srityse.
In view of the assessment of international trade and international logistics, the customs play a very important role in social and economic life, and the importance of it is increasing permanently. Companies around the world break away from their national roots and become more proactive to taking the challenges of globalization. They seek to create transactions around the world under the most favorable conditions. When choosing the best place to invest, business is looking for states with favorable tax and security policies. The first institution facing the international trade business is customs. In the 21st century, customs’ authorities have a wide range of public relations management possessing authoritative power. The author assumes that the customs law is a frame legislation of interest: the wide-ranging law system that combines relevant legal institutions, legal subsectors and regulate one type of public relations under a specific method. It also includes the rules and principles of systematic application of customs legislation administrative activities and customs business partnership areas. The author proposes that the system would be based on the European Union and national codified customs legislation. The chapter is concluded with the examination of the EU Commission’s proposed EU Competency Framework for the Customs Professional, an overview of the installation assumptions based on the concept in terms of customs legislation proposed by the author.