Asmenų, sergančių priklausomybe nuo psichoaktyviųjų medžiagų integracijos į visuomenę koncepcijos dalies įgyvendinimas sveikatos apsaugos srityje Vilniaus ir Panevėžio priklausomybės ligų centrų pavyzdžiu
Lakis, Juozas | Recenzentas / Rewiewer |
The purpose of this study is to research how does the integration of persons, dependent on psychoactive substances, into the society in the system of Health Care, works. The persons, dependent on psychoactive substances and hospitalized in Vilnius and Panevėžys addictive disorders centers, were chosen as the object of this study. Subject of the study was the integration of such persons into the society in the system of Health Care. Enhancement of the Civil department, interinstitutional cooperation, favourable situation for the activities of Vilnius and Panevėžys addictive disorders centers, better qualifications of the specialists, their wider knowledge and skills, proper preparation of legal acts and their usage would allow us to achieve the centralization of the management, reduction of the expenses and more effective integration of the patients with addictive disorders into the society in the system of Health Care.