Užsienio prekybos įtaka šalies ekonomikai
Milašienė, Regina |
Panovas, Igoris | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Černiauskas, Gediminas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Dobravolskas, Algis | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Sasnauskas, Algis | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Mikaila, Mindaugas | Darbo gynimo komisijos pirmininkas / Thesis Defence Board Chairman |
Rakauskienė, Ona Gražina | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Davulis, Gediminas | Recenzentas / Rewiewer |
Užsienio prekyba yra būtina rinkos ekonomikos sąlygomis. Šiandiena be užsienio prekybos plėtros yra neįmanoma pasaulinė ekonomikos raida. Užsienio prekyba daro tiesioginę įtaką šalies vidaus rinkai: aktyvėja konkurencija, nes atsiranda pajėgūs konkurentai iš užsienio. Padidėjusi konkurencija verčia vietiniam gamintojams konkuruoti ne tik kainomis, bet prekės kokybe, dizainu ir pan. Tarptautinė prekyba – tai apsikeitimas prekėmis ir paslaugomis tarp valstybių. Tarptautinė prekyba įpareigoja šalis gauti tam tikrą prekių ir paslaugų pigiau, negu jos pačios gali pasigaminti (lyginamasis pranašumas), arba sudaro sąlygas vartoti prekes ir paslaugas, kurių nebūtų galima gauti iš savo šalies tiekėjų (pavyzdžiui, mažai žaliavų arba pažangesnė technologija). Lietuvos vykdoma ekonominė politika šiuo metu grindžiama į eksportą orientuotos plėtros modeliu. Tikėtina, jog ateityje stiprės lietuviškų produktų skverbimasis į naujas ES ir pasaulio rinkas, ypač bus didelė paklausa geros kokybės ekologiškiems ir natūraliems maisto produktams. Lietuvos eksporto apimtys per pastaruosius šešis metus išaugo 130,87 proc. t.y. nuo 14,1 mlrd. Lt 2000 m. iki 32.76 mlrd. Lt 2005 m. 2004 m. gegužės mėn. Lietuva tapo Europos Sąjungos (toliau – ES) nare. ES iš penkiolikos šalių (ES-15) tapo dvidešimt penkių šalių grupe (ES-25). Lietuvos integracija į ES paveikė visą Lietuvos ūkį, įskaitant ir Lietuvos užsienio prekybinius santykius. Apie teigiamą integracijos į ES įtaką šalies užsienio prekybos plėtrai byloja ir eksporto apimčių augimas. Palyginus 2004 m. pirmąjį pusmetį su 2005 m. pirmuoju pusmečiu eksportas išaugo 24,2 proc. Išanalizavus eksporto prekinę struktūrą už 2000-2005 m. didžiausią eksporto dalį sudarė mineraliniai produktai - 176,4 proc., mašinos ir mechanizmai – 151,8 proc., transportas ir transporto įrenginiai – 161,60 proc. Lietuvos importo apimtys per pastaruosius šešis metus išaugo 97,7 proc. t.y. nuo 21,8 mlrd.
The policy of economics of Lithuania is based on the model of expansion orientated to the export. It is credible that entering of Lithuanian production to new markets of European Union and entire world will strengthen in future, also the demand of good quality ecological and natural foodstuff will be especially great. The range of the export of Lithuania has grown for 130, 87 per cent, that is from 14, 1 billion of litas in the year of 2000 up to 32, 76 billion of litas in the year of 2005. Lithuania became the member of European Union (EU) on March of 2004. EU earlier consisted of 15 states members (EU-15) became a group of 25 states (EU-25). The integration of Lithuania to EU had influenced all economy / farm of Lithuania including commercial relations with foreign countries. The growth of ranges of the export shows positive influence of the integration to EU on state’s expansion of foreign trade. The export has grown for 24, 2 per cent comparing first half-year of 2004 and first half-year of 2005. According to analysis of goods structure of the export of period of 2000 – 2005 the greatest part of the export was composed of mineral products – 176, 4 per cent, machines and mechanisms – 151, 8 per cent, transport and transport equipment – 161, 60 per cent. The range of the import of Lithuania within last six years has grown for 97, 7 per cent, that is from 21, 8 billion of litas in the year of 2000 up to 43, 1 billion of litas in the year of 2005. According to goods structure of the import the greatest growth of the import is for wood production – 213, 2 per cent, vehicles and transport equipment – 166, 74 per cent, mechanisms, electricity equipment, TV, devices of sound recording and re-creating systems – 126, 74 per cent. The growth of import of goods was mostly conditioned by import of goods from NVS states. The growth of import and export of goods was also influenced by physical ranges of goods as well as the growth of goods prices (especially petroleum and it‘s production). The main trade partners of Lithuania are: Russia, Latvia, Germany, France, Poland, Estonia, Sweden, USA. Generalized indicator of the account of all international transactions is expressed by saldo of state‘s all deposits and pay-outs. The states might have positive or negative saldo of payment. The balance of foreign trade of Lithuania is negative, that means the deficit of balance of payment. Comparing the year of 2000 with the year of 2005 the deficit of balance of foreign trade has grown for 3700, 9 million of litas (from -6683, 7 million of litas up to -10384, 6 million of litas). The deficit of balance of foreign trade decreases by enlarging the export and diminishing the import. The government of the Republic of Lithuania accepted the strategy of the expansion and incitement of the export and confirmed the plan of the implementation procedure of this strategy by legislating the decision No. 1282, the 19 th of October, 1998 (the edition of the Goverment desicion No. 1160, 27 th of September, 2000). The purpose of the strategy of the expansion of the export – to reach to create beneficial conditions for the development of traditional areas of the export and forming new ones. The implementation of this purpose is being tried to reach up by creating beneficial environment for the export, by training the exporters, by enlarging international competition of goods and services, by expanding cooperation between the government of the Republic of Lithuania and the companies of Lithuania and foreign companies and etc.