Žalieji pirkimai. Aplinkosaugos kriterijų įtraukimas į viešuosius pirkimus
Sasnauskaitė, Inesa |
Mikaila, Mindaugas | Darbo gynimo komisijos pirmininkas / Thesis Defence Board Chairman |
Dobravolskas, Algis | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Panovas, Igoris | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Rakauskienė, Ona Gražina | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Žitkienė, Rima | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Panovas, Igoris | Recenzentas / Rewiewer |
Žalieji pirkimai yra požiūris, kuris stengiasi integruoti aplinkosauginius reikalavimus į visas viešųjų pirkimų stadijas, tikslu sumažinti poveikį gamtai ir žmonių sveikatai. Žalieji pirkimai dar vadinami subalansuotais pirkimai, ekologiniais pirkimais, teisingaisiais pirkimais. Jie paremti tokiomis prielaidomis kaip vartotojų sąmoningumas, tik reikalingas pirkimas, viso gyvavimo ciklo perspektyva. Žalieji pirkimai nėra nauja koncepcija – tai jau įgyvendinama daugelyje pirmaujančių aplinkosaugos srityje Europos Sąjungos šalių ir konstatuojama gaunama nauda. Daugelis viešojo sektoriaus perkančiųjų organizacijų, vykdančių žaliuosius pirkimus ir skatinančių aplinkosaugines inovacijas, patiria realių pokyčių rinkoje. Pasirinktos efektyvios įgyvendinimo strategijos padeda pasiekti viešųjų pirkimų efektyvumo padidinimą, pagerina vietinės bendruomenės gyvenimo kokybę, padidina aplinkosauginį sąmoningumą, pagerina esamos valdžios politinį įvaizdį, padeda pasiekti aukštesnį darnaus vystymosi lygį tomis pačiomis kainomis.
Green purchasing is an approach which integrates environmental consid¬erations into all stages of the purchasing process with the goal of reducing impacts on the environment. It involves a number of considerations, including buying only what is needed, taking a life-cycle perspective of the costs and impacts of products and services. Green purchasing is not a new concept, and has been implemented by pioneer public authorities across Europe for many years. A great number of public authorities have positive experiences in this area. The implementation of green procurement by public author¬ities is effective in achieving real changes on the marketplace — support¬ing greener alternatives and promoting innovation. Effective strategies help to improve the efficiency of procurement, raise the quality of life in the local community and improve the political image of the administration. Green procurement, should not involve addi¬tional costs for a public authority — indeed money may often be saved. Although some greener products have a higher purchase price, if the whole life-cycle costs are considered, including use and disposal costs, even savings may often be achieved. There are a number of other factors which can help to keep costs down, includ¬ing a careful consideration of whether a product is really needed at all, and changes to the way procurement is organized and carried out (in some cases, greater centralization of procurement, the use of e-procurement and joint-purchasing may of¬fer substantial financial benefits). In Lithuania for many years, the single most important indicator in the practice of public purchasing was the economic factor. This year the Government adopted National green purchasing implementation program, which fully will start working only next year. Though it still needs a lot of work, firstly in product group and environmental criteria development, but first steps are already made, and now it urgent needs practice.