Žinių visuomenės problema administracnėje teisėje
Pivoriūnaitė, Loreta |
Dziegoraitis, Algimantas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Šulija, Vytautas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Martinonienė, Elena | Recenzentas / Rewiewer |
Žilinskas, Dainius | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Šedbaras, Stasys | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Kalesnykas, Raimundas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Urmonas, Algimantas | Darbo gynimo komisijos pirmininkas / Thesis Defence Board Chairman |
Novikovas, Andriejus | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Sabatauskas, Julius | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Magistro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjama žinių visuomenės problema administracinėje teisėje. Žinių visuomenė nėra naujas reiškinys kaip ir administracinė teisė. Ilgą laiką besiformuojančios sistemos susidūrė veikiant globalizacijos procesams. Būdamos visiškai skirtingos struktūros jos viena kitą veikia bei sąveikauja darydamos įtaką kasdieniniam gyvenimui. Ši mokslinė – praktinė problema: žinių visuomenės problema administracinėje teisėje turi būti nagrinėjama pasitelkus kitų socialinių mokslų pagalba, remiantis filosofijos, sociologijos, vadybos, teisės teorijos žiniomis. Pirmiausiai ši problema įdomi tuo, kad sąveika tarp šių polių yra veikiama socialinių pokyčių, antra, administracinė teisė žinių visuomenės atžvilgiu veikia kaip metareguliatorius ypatingai mokslo ir švietimo srityje, trečia, pasigendama konkrečių darbų sprendžiant administracinės teisės sisteminimą, ketvirta, tyrime pateikiami pavyzdžiai bei bandoma įvardinti galimus administracinės teisės sisteminimo, efektyvaus bei veiksmingo valstybinio valdymo sprendimo būdus. Baigiamojo darbo tyrimo objektas - administracinės teisės kaip metareguliatoriaus vaidmuo žinių visuomenėje. Nagrinėjama problema yra tiek mokslinė, tiek praktinė, todėl ir tikslas išsiskaido į du tikslus, kuris parodo problemos tyrimo tikslingumą.
The author of the master thesis analyses the problem of knowledge society in the administrative law. Knowledge society is not a new phenomenon same as administrative law. In the influence of the global process these two systems impact each other on the time basis. Being totally different structures they interact, influence and convergence with each other on a daily background. This scientific – practical problem should be analyzed through other social sciences point of view of philosophy, sociology, management, law theory. First of all, this problem is interesting from the point of the interaction among these two sides is influenced by the social changes, secondly, the knowledge society from the aspect of administrative law interacts as met- regulator (esp. education and science), thirdly, there is a lack of the concrete outcomes in regards of the consolidation of the administrative law, last but not least, this research presents samples and tries to find possible ways on the consolidation of the administrative law and efficient decision taking process at the public sector. The object of the thesis – administrative law as a met-regulator and its role in the knowledge society. Analysis of the problem expand to the two aims, one as scientific research – to show the influence of the knowledge society on administrative law transformation; estimate a correlation among administrative law and social changes, determinate the problems. Meanwhile the practical aim of the research – hereunder of the examples analyze practices of the another countries, based on the comparative method, determine the situation in Lithuania and evaluate the working possibilities of a state as a executive body in respect of a knowledge society, try to find a possible solutions or proposals. Thereto having these aims purposeful the author raises up the goals of a research: a) analyze and present the concepts of the knowledge society; b) give a point about knowledge societies in the other countries; c) evaluate and generalize a social –legal orientation: person-society-state through education, media and administrative authorities; d) represent a possible ways and solutions. The first part of the thesis is dedicated for the determinations of the knowledge society conception from the sociological, managerial, legal point of view; also the objective needs of the development a knowledge society in Lithuania are presented too. The second part acts with the influence of the knowledge society challenges to the grounds of administrative law especially in education and science, media and the activities of administrative authorities. This analysis operates with the administrative law objectivation and internalization. Certainly the experience of the other countries knowledge societies (Greece, Germany, and Finland) is important too in the sense of the comparative perspective of Lithuania where the situation is shown on the base of the normative documents. The third part researches the correlation between administrative law and knowledge society as a feedback: firstly knowledge society examines its influence to the administrative law, and then the role of administrative law is presented as a met-regulator in the knowledge society. Bringing to a conclusion author states the hypothesis that the knowledge society in the challenge to Lithuania. When the consensus between the society sets and a strong intellectual willpower would be achieved, the social changes in due time and adequately will adapt in the knowledge society. Conditionally is stating that the priority directions of the development of knowledge society should be fulfilled in the following sectors: a) education and science; b) competence of the citizens; c) administration and self-government, d) culture.