Darbo įstatymo laikymosi kontrolė
Kasickaitė, Alma |
Bagdanskis, Tomas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Snarskytė, Indrė | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Dambrauskienė, Genovaitė | Recenzentas / Rewiewer |
Macijauskienė, Rasa | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Usonis, Justinas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Miškinytė, Vilmantė | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Tartilas, Juozas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Mačernytė - Panomariovienė, Ingrida | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Labour Code is the main law, which regulates labour relations connected with the exercise and protection of labour rights and form the basis of control and supervision of labuor law. Labour law agree with TDO conventions, recommendations and ES laws. Employers and employees shall acquire labour rights and undertake labour duties. If they don’t, they make a labuo violation. The number of labour violations grow every year. Accorging to the Labuor Code, control over the compliance with Labour laws, other regulatory acts and collective agreements shall be exercised by state and non-state bodies. State Labour Inspectorate is the main institution of Control over the compliance with labour laws, other regulatory acts, collective agreements. State Control over compliance with Labour laws also exercise inspector of the rights of child, women and men equal chances.In France, Sweden and Russian federation control over the compliance with labour laws also exercise State Labour Inspectorate. In Russian federation such function has and public prosecutor. Non-state control over compliance with labour laws, other regulatory acts, collective agreements shall be exercised by trade unions. If there’s no trade union in undertaking exercise councils of labour. In France, Sweden and Russian federation Non-state control over compliance with labour laws exercises also trade unions. For the violations of labour laws provides administrative, civil and criminal liability.