Socialinių paslaugų kokybės vertinimas senų ir pagyvenusių žmonių globos namuose
Brežinskaitė, Brigita |
Staškevičius, Juozapas Audvidas | Darbo gynimo komisijos pirmininkas / Thesis Defence Board Chairman |
Kaziliūnas, Adolfas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Lakis, Juozas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Svetikas, Kostas Žymantas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Puškorius, Stasys | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Arimavičiūtė, Malvina | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Mikulskienė, Birutė | Recenzentas / Rewiewer |
Gyventojų amžiaus struktūros pokyčiai kelia naujas socialines ir ekonomines problemas: auga poreikis senų žmonių medicininei priežiūrai, specialiam socialiniam aptarnavimui, daugėja pensinio amžiaus žmonių. Taigi neišvengiamai tenka skirti didesnį dėmesį pagyvenusių ir senų žmonių socialinėms problemoms spręsti. Seni ir pagyvenę žmonės, kurie, dėl savarankiškumo sumažėjimo, nebegali savimi pasirūpinti, gali tikėtis oficialių institucijų pagalbos. Stacionariuose globos namuose teikiamos socialinės paslaugos – išeitis negalintiems savimi pasirūpinti seniems ir pagyvenusiems žmonėms. Tačiau ar teikiamų socialinių paslaugų kokybė gali garantuoti senų žmonių poreikių patenkinimą? Darbe siekiama ištirti senų žmonių globos namuose teikiamas socialines paslaugas bei įvertinti jų kokybę. Šiam tikslui pasiekti iškelti uždaviniai: išanalizuoti stacionarių socialinių paslaugų sampratą ir jas reglamentuojančius teisės aktus bei kitus norminius dokumentus; išanalizuoti senų ir pagyvenusių žmonių globos įstaigų veiklos principus; išnagrinėti paslaugų, teikiamų stacionariuose senų ir pagyvenusių žmonių globos namuose kokybės sampratą; ištirti socialinių paslaugų kokybę senų ir pagyvenusių žmonių globos namuose.
The changes in the structure of population age raises new social and economic problems: the demand for the medical care of the elderly people and for special social services as well as the number of retirement age people is increasing. Therefore, it becomes necessary to pay more attention to solutions of social problems of elderly and old people. Old and elderly people, who cannot take care of themselves due to the decrease in their self-sufficiency, may expect to receive help from official institutions. The social services provided in stationary sheltered housings are solutions for old and elderly people, who cannot take care of themselves. However, does the quality of the social services guarantee the fulfillment of the needs of old people? In this paper, an attempt will be given to investigate the social services provided in sheltered housings for old people and to evaluate the quality of such services. In order to achieve this goal, the following problems have been raised: to analyze the conception of stationary social services and the legislation as well as other standard documents, which regulate such services; to analyze the work principles of sheltered housings for old and elderly people; to research the conception of the quality of services, provided in stationary sheltered housings for old and elderly people; to investigate the quality of social services, provided in sheltered housings for old and elderly people. The object of the investigation is the quality of social services, provided in sheltered housings for old and elderly people. The subject of the investigation is the evaluation of the quality of social services, provided in sheltered housings for old and elderly people. Hypotheses of the investigation are: The quality of social services, provided in sheltered housings for old and elderly people is being evaluated positively, The attitude of respondents of institutions: “Tremtiniu namai” and “Fabijoniskiu pensionatas” towards the quality of social services, provided in their institutions, is equal. The methods used in the investigation are: the analysis of documents and sociological investigation. This paper includes introduction, three parts of body, results, recommendations, summary in Lithuanian and English, list of references and appendices. In the first part of this paper, the conception of social services, the features of regulation of stationary social services for old and elderly people, peculiarities of old and elderly people as well as the demand for stationary social services and its identification, is being analyzed. In the second part of this work, the conception of the evaluation of quality is being investigated. Legal documents, which regulate the practice of stationary sheltered housings, are analyzed in this part as well. In order to solve the raised problem, an investigation has been conducted in “Tremtiniu namai” and “Fabijoniskiu pensionatas”. During this investigation the employees and the residents of these institutions have been interviewed. In the third part of this paper, the methods and organization of this investigation are described. Moreover, the results of the investigation are analyzed in this part. Having achieved the goals and having solved the problems of this investigation, it was found that the employees and residents of “Tremtiniu namai” and “Fabijoniskiu pensionatas” positively evaluate the services, provided in their institutions. In order to achieve a high quality social services supply in sheltered housings for old and elderly people, such sheltered housings are suggested to constantly evaluate their work and the results of it, to analyze their advanced experience, to revise current faults and to share their experience with other social services institutions.