Non-Conventional Trademarks in the European Union and the United States of America. Comparative Analysis of the Approaches to the Registrability Question
Ruchkin, Vladyslav |
Recenzentas / Rewiewer |
Licencinė sutartis Nr. MRU-EDT-249
The research presents comparative analysis of non-conventional marks position in the EU and the US by determining the level of non-conventional marks regulation harmonization presented by key international trademark instrument to which they are members, scrutinizing the relevant domestic trademark regulation and practical implications thereofin the context of three main obstacles on the way of non-conventional marks registration, namely, representation of the marks in the application, non-functionality anddistinctiveness requirements. In result, advantages and drawbacks of the systems` approachesasregards registrability of non-conventional marksare established. On that basis, recommendations as to further improvement of the approaches are made.