Moterų raiška verslo valdyme Lietuvoje
Sutkauskienė, Zina |
Globalizacijos procesai visame pasaulyje, atsirandančios naujos technologijos kelia iššūkius keisti vadovavimo stilius, pritaikant juos prie naujos, pasikeitusios organizacijų aplinkos. Didžiausios šiandien iškylančios problemos reikalauja atsakyti į klausimą: kaip galime veiksmingai tarpusavyje sąveikauti ir bendradarbiauti, siekiant efektyvumo ir rezultatyvumo.
This Master Thesis is aimed for analysing women‘s expression in business management in Lithuania which is performed by raising a problem question, employing qualitative empirical research and suggesting the solutions within managerial solutions part. The first part of thesis is aimed for theoretical analysis where leadership, leadership styles, women‘s as leader‘s perception as well as gender differences in leadership are examined. Within the second part of the Thesis, phenomena of glass ceilling
has been analysed as the term frequently aplies whilst talking of women‘s leadership. As well as within this part, the demand for new leadership style highlighting perspective for women‘s leadership that would be more applicable in today‘s environment - will be examined. Third part of the Thesis will be aimed for ascertaining common features of business women in Lithuania as well as their success criterias and prospects of compatibility between leadership and femininity. Within this part, influence of glass ceilling
in women`s leadership in Lithuania will be examined. Thesis will be concluded by providing solutions for compatibality between leadership and femininity which will be helpful for women to empower their capabilites and current potential which is vital for business.