Tarptautinių susitarimų vandens apsaugos klausimais įtaka Lietuvos vandens išteklių valdymo politikai
Vainutis, Laurynas |
Lazdinis, Irmantas | Darbo gynimo komisijos pirmininkas / Thesis Defence Board Chairman |
Galkutė, Laima | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Vaičiūnas, Valdas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Motiekaitytė, Vida | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Bakas, Algimantas | Recenzentas / Rewiewer |
Influence of international agreements for the questions of water protection on Lithuanian water reserves management politics is analyzed in this study. There are three important parts in this work. In the first part of this work there are analysed the global problems of environment protection together with the problems of water reserves protection. Also there is marked a historical situation which was influential on the creation of organizations of sea environment protection. There is underlined the importance and influence of these organizations for the worldwide water reserves. There are documents accepted and prepared for the creation of national water reserves management politics. In the second part of this study there is analysed the development of EU politics in the sphere of water protection, its influence and meaning for the independent Lithuanian water reserves management politics. The reasons that caused these general law deeds of water quality, its historical development and importance for Lithuania is also described in detail in this study. Then there is generalized the water reserves management with the legal tools of water protection, the structures of water reserves management protection, its reciprocal interaction and financial tools of EU water reserves management politics. In the third part of this study the greatest attention is concentrated in the returning to the previous parts and analyzing international cooperation of Lithuania in the water reserves management politics. Also there is underlined an active cooperation of Lithuania in the realization of international agreements in the water reserves management politics, as in the regional. Lithuanian regional politics is presented and analysed in the context of Agenda 21. This politics is analyzed in the NDVS account and the realization of this politics shows that international cooperation in the water reserves protection mostly influences the politics of Lithuanian water reserves protection. The aim of the realization of such politics depends on the fast realization of international agreements in the international context.