Jaunimo integracija į darbo rinką
Černiauskaitė, Lina |
Rakauskienė, Ona Gražina | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Mikaila, Mindaugas | Darbo gynimo komisijos pirmininkas / Thesis Defence Board Chairman |
Damulienė, Aldona | Recenzentas / Rewiewer |
Sasnauskas, Algis | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Panovas, Igoris | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Černiauskas, Gediminas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Dobravolskas, Algis | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Darbe nagrinėjama jaunimo padėtis darbo rinkoje, problemos su kuriomis jiems tenka susidurti integruojantis į darbo rinką ir tų problemų sprendimo būdai, akcentuojant besimokančio jaunimo dalyvavimą darbo rinkoje. Pirmoje darbo dalyje aptarta jaunimo, kaip atskiros socialinės grupės, situacija visuomenėje, šios grupės privalumai ir trūkumai bei perspektyvos integracijos procese. Jaunimas, kaip visuomenės dalis, yra neįkainojamas valstybės išteklius ir klestėjimo šaltinis, užtikrinantis valstybės ir tautos tęstinumą, dvasinių bei materialinių vertybių perdavimą. Todėl būtina skatinti jo sėkmingą integraciją į visuomenę, darbo rinką bei stengtis didinti jaunimo užimtumą – kaip svarbiausią veiksnį būtina sėkmingam įsiliejimui. Nedarbas sąlygoja daugelį kitų jaunimo problemų – žalingų įpročių plitimą, negalėjimą susimokėti už mokslą, migraciją, skurdo plitimą - visa tai neigiamai atsiliepia tiek šalies ekonomikai, tiek socialiniam klimatui. Džiugina tai, kad jaunimas geba sparčiau nei kitos visuomenės grupės prisitaikyti prie nuolat kintančių sąlygų darbo rinkoje, aktyviai mokosi užsienio kalbas, noriai naudojasi informacinėmis technologijomis. Nepaisant to, neišvengiamai susiduria su tokiomis problemomis kaip darbo patirties ar informacijos apie darbo rinkoje vyraujančią situaciją stoka, o tai dažnai įtakoja nepaklausių profesijų pasirinkimą.
This work analyses the position of youth in the labour market, namely, the problems young people (especially those who are students) face while trying to find their place in this market as well as the possible solutions to these problems. The first part of this research paper focuses on the situation of young people as a social group, speaks on the advantages and disadvantages of this particular group as well as reveals the prospects for this group in the process of integration. Youth, being a part of society, is a priceless source which determines the prosperity of the state, guarantees the continuity of the state and the nation as well as the transmission of spiritual and material values. Therefore, it is necessary to encourage the successful integration of youth into the society and labour market as well as to enhance its occupation, which is the most important factor determining a successful integration. Unemployment determines the majority of other problems that youth faces, namely, the spread of addictions, inability to pay for education, migration, the spread of poverty, etc. All these have a huge negative impact on both – the economics and the social climate of the state. It is good that young people as compared with other social groups are more flexible and able to adjust themselves to the constantly changing conditions in the labour market, namely, they are actively learning foreign languages and eagerly using the IT. Despite all this, youth still faces such problems as the lack of experience or the lack of information about the prevailing situation in the labour market, and this, in its turn, frequently influences the choice of unsaleable professions. Unemployment among youth and other age groups is an inevitable phenomenon. Presently, our society’s labour market faces new problem, namely, the redundancy is being replaced by the overfull employment. Young people are leaving en mass for richer countries. Therefore, it is important to provide them with the information about the changes in Lithuania and to encourage them to return with the skills and knowledge they have acquired. The Ministry of Social Security and Labour, Lithuanian Labour Exchange as well as Lithuanian Labour Market Training Authority play a crucial role in solving the problems of youth’s integration into the labour market. These institutions implement the measures of the labour market policy, organize and implement unemployment prevention programs as well as cooperate with the institutions of European Union and other countries. This research paper discusses the main aims of these institutions and presents the system of the labour market measures that these institutions implement. The research on youth’s opinion about employment in general and employment possibilities during the years of studies in particular aimed at finding out the students’ opinion about the contemporary situation in the labour market and the problems that arise within this field. The questionnaire was issued to 95 respondents who are day-time students in four universities in Vilnius. The analysis of the results of the survey led to the proposition of the conclusions and suggestions regarding the measures capable of improving the situation of youth in the labour market. The system of integration of youth into the labour market ought to be flexible and versatile. It is necessary to develop young people’s motivation to work, their system of values, to diminish the inconsistency of the structure of professional training and the lack of personnel management traditions. As well as that, it is important to encourage employers to employ young specialists and to invest in their qualification development. It is also important to effectively provide young people with the information about the situation in the labour market, marketable professions and vacancies. In order to improve the situation of youth in the labour market, it is necessary not only to combine forces of all accountable institutions but also for youth itself to actively engage in the solution of those problems.