Aplinkos apsaugos principų įgyvendinimas Lietuvos aplinkosaugos teisėje
Petrikaitė, Eglė |
Žemeckė, Audronė | Recenzentas / Rewiewer |
Pranevičienė, Birutė | Darbo gynimo komisijos pirmininkas / Thesis Defence Board Chairman |
Meškys, Linas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Urbonas, Darius | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Žemeckė, Audronė | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Magistro baigiamajame darbe atskleista, išanalizuota, įvertinta apsaugos principų įgyvendinimas teisės aktais, atskleistas aplinkos apsaugos principų turinys ir samprata, išanalizuota kaip aplinkos apsaugos principai įtvirtinti tarptautinės teisės, Europos Sąjungos bei Lietuvos teisės sistemose. Nors aiškaus aplinkos apsaugos principų sąrašo nėra, šiame magistro baigiamajame darbe išanalizuoti dominuojantys teisės aktuose aplinkos apsaugos principai, kurie teisės mokslininkų yra išskiriami kaip pagrindiniai aplinkos apsaugos principai turintys didelę įtaką visai aplinkos apsaugos politikai bei teisei. Aplinkos apsaugos principai yra pagrindas visos aplinkos apsaugos teisės sistemos, todėl šio darbo iškeltas tikslas- išanalizuoti , kokie aplinkos apsaugos principai labiausiai dominuoja teisės aktuose, apibrėžti šių principų sampratą, turinį, reglamentavimą, nustatyti kokiais teisės aktais ir kaip šie principai yra įgyvendinami Lietuvos aplinkosaugos teisėje. Siekiant darbo tikslo, analizuojama metodinė, norminė, specialioji leteratūra, analizuota teismų praktika. Apibendrinus darbo rezultatus, galima teigti, kad įgyvendinant aplinkos apsaugos principus Lietuvos teisinėje sistemoje yra priimami ir keičiami nacionaliniai teisės aktai, priimamos aplinkos apsaugos strategijos, formuojama teismų praktika. Tačiau šiuo metu tiek Europos Sąjungos tiek nacionaliniai teisės aktai yra nesistemingi, dažnai keičiami ir tai sukelia tam tikras ne tik aplinkos apsaugos principų įgyvendinimo, bet visos aplinkos apsaugos teisės įgyvendinimo problemas. O tai mažina aplinkos apsaugos efektyvumą visuomenėje.
Currently, the environmental protection is considered to be one of the priorities for national policies and warrants increasing public interest in it and legal regulation. In legal literature it is recognized that the principles are the main provisions on which legal regulation is based and the law is realized. Legal norms are based on these principles they are used in practice of courts when eliminating the conflict of laws and fill in the gaps in law. Therefore, it is obvious that the principles have great importance to the legal system and at the same time to the public relations. Gradually formed principles of environmental protection influenced the content of environmental protection norms and their implementation. Legal norms are implemented on the basis of legal regulation and the legal relations are founded on their basis. Therefore, in this master's work the final implementation of the principles in environmental protection legislation will be analyzed. In view of the fact that international law has priority over national law and the fact that Lithuania is a member of the European Union and the principle of supremacy of Community law therefore is applicable to Lithuanian legal system, the aim of this Master’s thesis is to reveal the content and concept of principles of environmental protection and to analyze how environmental principles are defined in international law, the European Union low and in the legal system of Lithuania. Although there isn`t any clear environmental protection principles list, in this master's thesis the dominant principles of legislation on environmental protection will be analyzed which the legal scholars characterize as the main environmental protection principles having a significant influence on the whole environmental policy and law. Environmental protection principles are the basis for the whole legal system of environmental protection and therefore, the objective of the Master thesis is to analyze what environmental protection principles are the most dominant in legislation and to define the concept, content and regulation of these principles, to determine which Lithuanian legal acts implement these principles and what is the content of such legislation. The subject of the Master’s thesis is – the problematic aspects of implementing the environmental protection principles in the legal system in Lithuania. The Master’s thesis aims to provide the legal analysis of environmental protection principles, to reveal their concept, development, regulation and the implementation in the legal system in Lithuania. Summarizing the results of the investigation, it can be stated that during the process of implementation of the environmental protection principles into the legal system in Lithuania, the national legal acts are adopted and amended, environmental protection strategies developed on and legal practice is formed. At the moment, however, both the European Union and Lithuanian national legislation are fragmented. The aspects enumerated above reduce the efficiency of environmental protection in Lithuanian society.