Socialinis darbas su skyrybas išgyvenančiomis šeimomis
Licencinė sutartis Nr. MRU-EDT-900
The problem of the research: taking into account the relevance of the issue of divorce, the painful consequences for the family and the growing concern at the state level for the well-being of the family, it is important to review whether there is sufficient availability and timeliness of social services for different families in Lithuania. The object of the research is social work with divorced families. The aim of the research is to analyze the possibilities of increasing the quality of social work with divorced families. Objectives of the research: 1. To reveal the problems of a family surviving a divorce; 2. To examine the characteristics of the provision of social worker assistance to a family surviving a divorce; 3. To explore the possibilities and ways of social workers to help divorced families. Research methods: analysis of scientific literature, qualitative research - interviews and content analysis were used in the work. Structure: The work consists of an introduction, two theoretical chapters on families experiencing divorce, and the provision of support to them, as well as an empirical study revealing the need for family support, social work directions and quality assurance assumptions when working with a divorced family. Conclusions and recommendations are presented at the end of the work. Conclusions: An examination of the characteristics of the provision of social worker assistance to a divorced family has shown that in divorced families, children are usually the ones who suffer the most. This is due to the child's neglect, insufficient attention to the child, failure to meet his needs and other violations of the child's rights. Therefore, when providing social assistance to a family surviving a divorce, there is a great responsibility to organize the assistance in such a way as to ensure comprehensive assistance to the whole family, paying as much attention as possible to the protection of the best interests of the child. An examination of the possibilities and ways of social workers' assistance to families experiencing divorce revealed that assistance is usually provided through communication, mediation, information and counseling, and the provision of comprehensive assistance to all family members. Comprehensive family support includes legal, social, psychological and other personalized assistance, which involves the involvement and coordinated action of various professionals and others.