Krovinių gabenimo tranzitu analizė, panaudojant TIR knygeles
Bruzgulienė, Alicija |
Reklaitis, Jonas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Laurinavičius, Alfonsas | Darbo gynimo komisijos pirmininkas / Thesis Defence Board Chairman |
Minalga, Rimgaudas | Recenzentas / Rewiewer |
Budgenas, Rymantas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Rimkus, Vladas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Gurevičienė, Jūratė Jadvyga | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
This final paper reveals specific features and peculiarities of international transport of goods by roads, describes the applicable transit system in the European Union, analyzes the TIR system functioning after Lithuania’s accession to the European Union and the perspectives of the system, shows directions and means for the TIR system improvement. Transport sector is an essential part of economy that makes 9,3 per cent of GNP and involves 72,3 thousand of workers. International transport makes 86,9 per cent of all transport operations of goods performed in Lithuania expressed in tons per kilometer. Lithuania is a transit country due to its geographical situation and priorities of development of economy, therefore the topic examined by the author is vital and important. After Lithuania and the states candidates acceded to the European Union the volume of international transport of goods under cover of TIR Carnets performed by Lithuanian hauliers decreased 70 per cent. In order to compensate the lost part of the transport performed under cover of TIR Carnets, new markets of services as well as new opportunities and areas of extension of the TIR system have been looked for. The paper analyzes in depth the TIR system, its main structural elements and mechanism of functioning. It includes the examination of reasons and prerequisites of admission to and withdrawal from the TIR system of Association “LINAVA” members and the analysis of discharge control of the TIR Carnets issued by Association “LINAVA” employing the SAFETIR system. It has been established that software, technical provision and the staff of Lithuanian customs were not properly prepared for the work after Lithuania’s accession to the European Union. The paper also provides the analysis of claims presented by customs to Lithuanian hauliers, it was established that the number of claims has a tendency to decrease. Lithuanian hauliers have become more disciplined and more responsible about their business. The paper reflects the development tendencies of the TIR system, i.e. extension of validity zone of the TIR Convention, closer cooperation of Lithuanian authorities and Association “LINAVA” with responsible officers of Russia and Kazakhstan to increase number of journey permits, signing of bilateral agreements with Balkan states, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Implementation of these tasks would enable Lithuanian hauliers to perform more transport operations of goods on long international routes and also to use more TIR Carnets. One of development directions is creation of the eTIR system – computerization of the overall TIR system. To implement this system it is necessary to link many chains into one faultlessly functioning mechanism and to undergo several phases. All this requires big funds, high quality customs specialists and time. The author proposes to submit a recommendation to UN/ECE/WP.30 concerning legal acknowledgement of data on termination of a TIR procedure inserted into the SAFETIR system because the customs which terminated the TIR procedure and entered the data into the SAFETIR system have to remain responsible for the truthfulness of the data. In our opinion it would more discipline customs officials and make them enter data into the SAFETIR system more responsibly and would decrease fraud in the TIR transit system.