Socialiniai - ekonominiai veiksniai, įtakojantys sicialinio draudimo plėtrą Lietuvoje
Rimpo, Valentina |
Sasnauskas, Algis | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Mikaila, Mindaugas | Darbo gynimo komisijos pirmininkas / Thesis Defence Board Chairman |
Černiauskas, Gediminas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Gineitienė, Zina | Recenzentas / Rewiewer |
Dobravolskas, Algis | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Rakauskienė, Ona Gražina | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Panovas, Igoris | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Valstybės piliečių gerovę užtikrinantys socialinių ir ekonominių priemonių visuma ir principai yra valstybės socialinė politika. Lietuvoje pasirinktas korporatyvusis – klientelistinis socialinės politikos modelis, būdinga ribota socialinė parama ir specialios ribotos valstybės išmokos. Valstybinis socialinis draudimas, kaip vienas iš socialinės politikos elementų, pagrįstas kartų solidarumo principu: dirbantieji mokėdami socialinio draudimo įmokas remia dėl atsiradusios socialinės rizikos negalinčius dirbti pensininkus, neįgalius asmenis, bedarbius, kūdikių susilaukusius ir kt. Socialinio draudimo politikai vykdyti Lietuvoje veikia Valstybinio socialinio draudimo fondo valdyba „Sodra“ prie Socialinės apsaugos ir darbo ministerijos, kuri yra įgaliota administruoti savarankiško valstybinio socialinio draudimo fondo lėšas: rinkti įmokas ir jas perskirstyti. Socialinis draudimas apima pensijų draudimą, ligos ir motinystės draudimą ir nelaimingų atsitikimų darbe bei profesinių ligų socialinį draudimą. Valstybinio socialinio draudimo sistemos finansų pagrindas yra valstybinio socialinio draudimo fondo biudžetas, sudaromas vieneriems metams.
The social policy of state is consisting of social and economic measures that provide well-being of state citizens. Lithuania has chosen a client-corporation model of the social policy which is characteristic by limited social assistance and special payments from the state part. The state social insurance as one of the element of social policy is based on generation solidarity: the working pay social insurance fees supporting in this way pensioners, disableds, unemployeds, taking care of baby, etc., al who can not work due to the social risk. The social policy in Lithuania carries out “Sodra” by the Ministry of social security and labour of the Republic of Lithuania. “Sodra” has legal power to administrate money of the independent social insurance fund: collect fees distribute them. The social insurance provides pension insurance, insurance against illness, mother insurance, insurance against working accident or professional illness. The financial base of state social insurance is the budget of state social insurance fund approved for one year. Incomes of the fund budget mostly depend of the quantity of insured people. Last time we see some demographic tendencies: negative increase of population, growing up of emigration, quality changes of population. Incomes depend also of the employment level in the country and of the range of salary of insured persons, as well as their distribution by groups referring the salary level. Costs of the budget fund are influenced by the quantity of pensioners that has lowed for the last years due to the increase of pension age and of the changes in pension system. The results of survey show that “Sodra” in the nearest time will be financial stable organization of the following: positive tendencies of the employment and desemloyement level and positive level of salary changes. The prognostic for the next ten years is the following: the quantity increase of pensioners, but cost for pension payments should not grow quickly of the consequences of pension system reform.