Elektroninio parašo naudojimo efektyvumas XXX organizacijoje
Laucius, Tatjana |
Urniežius, Romanas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Žvirblis, Algis | Darbo gynimo komisijos pirmininkas / Thesis Defence Board Chairman |
Niaura, Jonas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Buračas, Antanas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Šadžius, Linas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Buračas, Antanas | Recenzentas / Rewiewer |
Jasinavičius, Rimvydas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Informacinės technologijos ir Interneto tinklas įsiterpė į mokslą, gamybą, ekonomiką ir valstybės valdžią bei pakeitė mūsų pasaulėžiūrą – tai kas buvo neįmanoma dar prieš dešimtmetį, tapo realybė. Sąskaitų apmokėjimas Internetu, sutarčių pasirašymas, paslaugų užsakymas ir apsikeitimas kita informacija tarp privačių asmenų, valstybės institucijų ir verslo organizacijų vyksta „online“ (tiesioginio laiko) režimu. Tačiau kuo daugiau atsiranda naujų galimybių siunčiant duomenis Internetu, tuo sparčiau auga elektroninių nusikaltimų skaičius. Elektroniniai nusikaltėliai siekiant savanaudiškų tikslų gali pasinaudoti konfidencialia informacija, pakeičiant tik vieną simbolį, pavyzdžiui, sąskaitos numeryje ar kitaip iškraipant informaciją, gali atnešti nuostolių asmenims ir organizacijoms. Tačiau nepaisant visų grėsmių Interneto tinklas yra iki šiol greičiausiais, patogiausias ir populiariausias, tačiau nepatikimiausiais būdas siųsti duomenys , todėl reikėtų naudoti informacijos apsaugos priemones.
Information technologies and internet has interfered into science, production and government. Our world-view had definitely changed – what was impossible just a few years ago now became a reality. Paying bills by the internet, signing contracts, ordering services and exchanging information between private clients, governmental institutions and business organizations and other operation are making online. Number of electronic crimes rises directly proportionally to opportunities increasing in sending information by internet. Electronic criminals to suit their own aims can use confidential information by changing single symbol, for example in account number, or by distorting information in any other way may cause incur losses to users and organizations. However, despite of all the disadvantages, internet is the fastest, the most comfortable and popular, but the most insecure way to send information, that is the reason why we should use secure means of communication. The main object or this graduation thesis is explore digital signature as one of the newest secure means of communication . The main functions, usage singularity are analyzed in this work. Author direct attention to digital signature legal power which has been accepted by government. Digital signature is equivalence to hand-made signature. Also, have made an observation on cryptography’s (data coding) scientific methods for digital signatures functions ensuring. Separate part of work is divided to projects and programs of foreign countries which had evaluate the advantages of the digital signature: electronic votes, sending declarations and etc. It being suggested to use the practice of other countries, analyze and reorganize each program and project to make appliance in Lithuania as effective as possible. It being emphasized that people knowledge of digital signature’s technology is constricted and governmental institutes are paying insufficiently attention on it. Efficiency of the investments to the new technologies is being valued. Data analysis of organization using digital signature has been made by author: expenses on correspondence before and after digital signature implementation has being compared, economical efficiency and advantages of general usage has been marked. In conclusions of graduation thesis has been made general suggestions and recommendations.