Enforcement of State Aid Law before National Courts
Havrylyuk, Sofiya |
Recenzentas / Rewiewer |
Licencinė sutartis Nr. MRU-EDT-682
Master Thesis describes the main characteristics of the Notion of State aid, outlines the competence of the national courts and the Commission in State aid enforcement, analyzes the cooperation tools between the national courts and the Commission. The research analyzes the EU legislation and the legislation of EU Member States on the legal standing of third parties before national courts in State aid cases and identifies the measures that should be implemented. The Thesis determines the ways and forms of bringing actions for damages related to the unlawful State aid before national courts, summarises the cases of national courts brought due to the breach by Member State authorities of the standstill obligation, analyzes the reasons for the low number of the damage cases, and suggests the norms to be drafted.