Elektroninių paslaugų prieinamumas neįgaliesiems
Paliušienė, Genovaitė |
Rotomskis, Irmantas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Kiškis, Mindaugas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Augustinaitis, Arūnas | Recenzentas / Rewiewer |
Krasauskas, Vytautas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Štitilis, Darius | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Magistro darbe išnagrinėta socialinė neįgalumo struktūra Lietuvoje ir teisiniai neįgaliųjų socialinės integracijos aspektai. Išnagrinėta elektroninės paslaugos, produktai ir informacinės technologijos, gerinančios neįgaliųjų socialinį dalyvavimą visuomenės gyvenime ir mažinančios neįgaliųjų socialinę atskirtį. Lyginamuoju analizės metodu ištirtos neįgaliųjų e. prieinamumo teisiniai, organizaciniai ir praktiniai aspektai Europoje ir Lietuvoje, nustatytos kliūtys, ribojančios neįgaliųjų teises naudotis elektroninėmis paslaugomis, mažinančiomis socialinę atskirtį. Atliktas tyrimas, kurio metu įvertintas elektroninių paslaugų prieinamumo neįgaliesiems lygis. Nustatytos priemonės, kurios pagerintų neįgaliųjų e. prieinamumą ir užtikrintų lygias galimybes naudotis elektroninėmis paslaugomis, informacinėmis technologijomis ir produktais.
Magister thesis analysis social structure of disability in Lithuania and legal aspects of social integration of persons with disabilities (PWD). The paper also describes electronic services, products and technologies improving social participation and decreasing social exclusion of PWD’s . Method of comparative analysis was used to examine legal, organizational and practical aspects of e-accessibility for PWD’s in Lithuania and EU, to determine obstacles limiting legal rights of PWD’s to use electronic services supporting social inclusion. Thorough analysis of the situation accomplished and the level e-accessibility for PWD’s determined. Means for improving e-accessibility of PWD’s and for assuring equal rights to use electronic services, products and technologies described. Key words: disability, social exclusion, e-accessibility, information and telecommunication technologies, electronic services, electronic assistive devices. The goal of Magister thesis – to determine how to improve accessibility of electronic services for PWD’s and by means of this decrease social exclusion and assure equal rights. Object of examination of the Magister thesis is possibilities of e-accessibility for PWD’s under influence of modern technologies for the assurance of equal rights. Magister thesis employed different methods of analysis (comparative analysis, content analysis), by means of which social structure of disability, obstacles to use electronic services for persons with different kinds of disability – visual loss and impairments, deafness and hearing impairments, movement impairments, speech and learning disorders – determined. As a core point of Magister thesis describe variety of application of means of modern information technologies, products and services to assure e-accessibility for PWD’s. The paper constantly analysis and compares experience of Lithuania and Europe, describes EU initiatives in the field and respective steps of Lithuania in development of legal, organizational and practical means for better e-accessibility of PWD’s. Magister thesis deployed not only theoretic analysis alone. It also provide practical steps and suggestions based qualitative analysis, during which experts in the field were questioned (interviewing method was used), i.e. organizations of PWD’s of Lithuania, which are active through the country and have their departments and associated members in municipalities. Results of the examination showed possibilities of PWD’s to use modern information technologies, obstacles and difficulties limiting equal rights of PWD’s to use services accessible for other members of society, critical problems and which actions need be taken to improve e-accessibility for PWD’s. As the goal of Magister thesis was succeeded – possibilities of e-accessibility analysed, means of improvement of e-accessibility to electronic services for PWD’s determined, the paper provides conclusions and suggestions for better e-inclusion of PWD’s within the process of development of information society.