Bendravimo su vaiku įgūdžių ugdymo teorija ir praktika socialiniame darbe
Grigūnienė, Skaidrė |
Kairienė, Brigita | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Šinkūnienė, Jautrė Ramutė | Recenzentas / Rewiewer |
Čiužas, Antanas | Darbo gynimo komisijos pirmininkas / Thesis Defence Board Chairman |
Navaitis, Gediminas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Žemaitaitytė, Irena | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Subject of the thesis “Theory and Practice of Development of Skills in Communication with a Child in Social Work” is analysis of related legal documents and scientific literature concerning this, as well as implementation of a research of aid provided by a social pedagogue to children of a preschool children education group. Purpose of this research is analysis of features of development of skills in communication with a child in social work. Objectives are the following: evaluation of child’s ability to communicate with other children and adults; analysis of methods applied by educators (parents and kindergarten teachers) for overcoming of communication problems and efficiency of these methods; determination of relation between this ability of child and methods applied by educators. Objects of the research are children, their educators and social workers, and subject is their communication. The following hypothesis has been made: The ability to communicate with a child and his parents is the most important character of a social worker, and it helps the child to socialize in a children group successfully. The research has been conducted in the kindergarten “Žiogelis” in Vilnius. Persons that were researched: 20 preschool children, their parents, 15 pedagogues (teachers) of a preschool education institution. Several methods of data gathering were used for evaluation of children’s social competence and efficiency of social work with children: questionnaires for parents and teachers, interviews with children, sociometric research, analysis of legal documents. The program Microsoft Excel has been used for graphical demonstration of the research. The research was conducted in order to evaluate qualitative side of the problem, to analyze it in details and to find out the effect of factors of development of communication skills to child’s ability to socialize in a children group successfully. We tried to find out the ways of solving of problems of communication with children in practical social work. Educators often try to solve certain problems of a child, although he could and should overcome on one's own initiative. Many different authors have the opinion that positive emotional state and high self-confidence are highly important to child’s development. It is very important to recognize one’s own emotions and control oneself by controlling negative emotions like sullen mood or scare and overcoming one’s malice or envy. What ways do children use to solve their conflicts? Are they able to find a way from complicated situations? What methods do apply educators (parents and teachers) for development of children’s social competence? Are they effective? In our thesis, modern literature works related to this subject, books and articles concerning child’s ability to control itself and importance of that, and different attitudes have been compared. Research results were the mean to determine methods applied by the children, their parents and pedagogues, and efficiency f these methods has been analyzed. The research demonstrates that the most popular method that helps children to overcome negative feelings is a conversation using docility, i.e. it teaches to realize, verbalize emotions and control oneself. The results proved that not only parents’ education methods but also communication with children of the same age and pedagogues have influence on child’s ability to socialize in a children group successfully.