Pasaulio prekybos organizacijos ir Europos Sąjungos normų konkurencija
Pollmeier, Laura |
Biekša, Laurynas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Žilinskas, Justinas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Birštunaitė, Laima | Recenzentas / Rewiewer |
Katuoka, Saulius | Darbo gynimo komisijos pirmininkas / Thesis Defence Board Chairman |
Staniulis, Darius | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Šiame darbe rašoma apie Pasaulio prekybos organizacijos ir Europos Sajungos normu konkurencija, t.y. EB ir PPO prekybos santykiu reguliavimo pirmumo dilema EB valstybėms narėms, tiesioginio taikymo, tiesioginio ir netiesioginio veikimo bei viršenybės aspektais. Darbe pirmiausia nustatoma PPO ir EB bei jos valstybiu interesu sankirta. Analizuojamas PPO ir EB normu teisės santykis tarptautinės bei EB teisės požiuriu, ivertinami PPO normu implementavimo budai EB teisės sistemoje. Ypac atkreipiamas dėmesys i PPO normu tiesioginio veikimo klausima. Ivertinamas ETT argumentavimas, neigiantis PPO normu tiesiogini veikima. Gvildenama privaciu asmenu, EB valstybiu nariu galimybė prašyti ETT patikrinti EB teisės aktu teisėtuma pagal EBS 230 straipsni, kaip kontrolės mechanizma, patikrinti EB isipareigojimu PPO laikymasi, rašoma apie PPO normu netiesiogini veikima EB teisės sistemoje. Iš šio darbo aišku, kad nėra vieningos praktikos dėl PPO ir kitu EB tarptautiniu susitarimu EB teisės sistemoje, EB siekia reguliuoti prekybos santykius EB valstybėms narėms, savo normoms suteikti pirmuma prieš PPO normas.
This master thesis addresses the issue of competition of norms between the WTO and the EU. It appears a dilemma of primacy of both, the EC and the WTO regulation of trade relations for the EC Member States with regard to the aspects of direct applicability, direct and inderect effect and supremacy. The first question in this work deals with the intersections of interests of the WTO and the EC as well as the EC Member States. It is also necessary to compare the relationship between WTO norms and EC norms in the light of both, the international and the EC law. Also an evaluation of the implemetation methods of WTO norms within the EC law system is suggested. Special attention is paid to the question of the direct effect of WTO norms. Also it is analysed the argumentation of ICJ which neglects the direct effect of WTO norms. It also should be taken into account the possibility of private persons and the EC Member States to apply to ECJ with request on the ground of the article 230 of the ECT (which purpose is to control the EC and to find out how the EC fulfills its obligations) in order to review the legality of EC legal instruments. Moreover the indirect effect of WTO norms within the EC law system is focused on. There is no uniform practice for WTO and other EC international agreements within the EC law system. The EC seeks to regulate its Member States trade relations and activities, and thus to give its own norms primacy over WTO norms.