Informacinės visuomenės iššūkiai: kokios yra kibernetinių nusikaltimų formos?
Kuklytė, Jūratė |
Ūsas, Antanas |
The topic issues and challenges of modern information society are related with rapid technological progress of information and communication technologies (ICTs), since these processes are determined by the interaction of continuous social, economical, technological changes. The main challenge of information society are identified as cybersecurity and cybercrimes. The following problematic questions are raised in the research: how the concept of information society is identified and developed in scientific literature? What are the challenges of information society? What are the forms of cybercrimes and how its effect modern world? A brief discource is intended to answer these questions of information society and cybercrimes in the contect of public security. The purpose of the research: to analize the concept of information society, reviewing the forms of cybercrimes. The article is prepared applying the methods of analysis and synthesis of academic literature, chronology and comparison. The results revealed that concept of information society is identified differently and main challenges are cybersecurity and cybercrimes. Cybercrimes are defined as crimes in electronic space to steal the property or resources owned by the others to satisfy the needs of personal or relevant parties and get the benefits in illegal way. The classification of cybercrimes is provided.
Spartus informacinių ir komunikacinių technologijų progresas skatina informacinės visuomenės sampratos transformacijas ir tampa iššūkiu viešojo saugumo kontekste dėl kibernetinių nusikaltimų paplitimo. Straipsnio tikslas – išanalizuoti informacinės koncepciją, apžvelgiant kibernetinių nusikaltimų formas. Tyrimo metodai: mokslinės literatūros analizė ir sintezė, chronologija, analogija.