Vaikų, patyrusių smurtą šeimoje, globos problemos
Date Issued |
2005 |
Straipsnyje nagrinėjamos vaikų, patyrusių smurtą šeimoje, saugumo užtikrinimo galimybės. Vaikui, patyrusiam tėvų smurtą, nesant galimybės užtikrinti jo saugumą šeimoje, skiriama globa. Vaiko globos tikslas – užtikrinti vaiko auklėjimą ir priežiūrą aplinkoje, kurioje jis galėtų saugiai tinkamai augti, vystytis ir tobulėti. Tyrimu siekta išsiaiškinti, ar globa – vaiko atskyrimas nuo šeimos ir apgyvendinimas globos institucijoje – atitinka jai keliamą saugumo reikalavimą, t. y. ar vaikas nepatiria tėvų smurto lankydamasis šeimoje ir ar įmanoma pasiekti laikinosios globos tikslą – grąžinti vaiką į šeimą.
The possibilities to secure the safety for the children who incurred violence in a family are analysed in the article. If there is no possibility to secure the safety for the child, the patronage is assigned. The goal of patronage is to secure the child’s education and attendance in the environment where he/ she could grow, develop and progress properly. The aim of the research was to ascertain if the patronage (child separation from his/ her family and lodging into patronage institutions) corresponds the safety requirements, and if it is possible to implement the goal of the temporary patronage, i.e. to return a child into the family. The research revealed that children who were appointed a patronage because of the violence incurred in a family, having relationships with their parent continue to incur the violence further. The effects of violence incurred in a family are the following: insecurity in a family and arising suicidal thoughts; the more frequent violence from the parents part, the less safety feel in the family and the more frequent arise of suicidal thoughts. The child patronage institution does not meet the safety requirement because the child’s separation from a family and lodging into patronage institutions is not effective: having relationships with their parent children continue to incur the violence further.