Vadovo seksualinio priekabiavimo atvejų įtaka organizacijos įvaizdžiui vartotojų požiūriu
Author(s) |
Kuklytė, Jūratė |
Kaunietis, Mikas |
Straipsnyje analizuojamas realios įmonės vadovo seksualinio priekabiavimo atvejų darbo aplinkoje nustatymas ir poveikis organizacijos įvaizdžiui, remiantis vartotojų požiūrio vertinimu. Atliktas kiekybinis tyrimas, analizuojant interneto vartotojų susidomėjimą, remiantis Google Trends sugeneruotu indeksu ir vertinant vartotojų nuomonę pagal atliktą anketinį tyrimą. Nustatyta, kad įmonės vadovo seksualinio priekabiavimo prie moterų atvejų nustatymas neigiamai paveikė organizacijos įvaizdį.
Sexual harassment continues to be a problem, despite decades of academic researches, legal updates, and corporate investment in training. The reporting of sexual harassment in private and public sector organizations instigated a society-wide discussion on the nature of the problem in Lithuania. It has encouraged to evaluate a consumer voice about the organizational image after the exposure of sexual harassment in workplace environment. #MeToo worldwide movement aimed to demonstrante the prevalence of sexual harassment in workplace environment and encourage society to face the problem and solve negative outcomes of it. The office of the equal opportunities ombudsperson also brought attention to the fact that legal acts of Republic of Lithuania aimed to prevent gender discrimination during hiring process and educational institutions. The study provide the evaluation of consumer voice about the image of existing organization after identifying the incidents of sexual harassment in workplace environment. The focus of the investigation, which is based on the monthly Internet search index provided by the Google Trends database is individuals’ interest in sexual harassment. Moreover, the study involves the expert evaluation of questionnaire, interpretation of electronic survey data. The findings showed that sexual harassments incidents that were initiated by the superior of existing organization influence negatively the organizational image. The reputation of the company and values were damanaged and it dirrectly affected the consumer attitude and preference of the services after identifying the unethical actions and gender discrimination. In addition, consumers are tend to avoid the connections and financial support.