Students and professors’ resistance against the Soviet Regime in Lithuania in 1944-1990 = Otpor studenata i profesora sovjetskom režimu u Litvaniji 1944-1990
Date Issued |
2013 |
In 1944 Lithuania was occupied, annexed, and became one of the 15 constituent republics of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Th e country underwent the programmed continuation of the far reaching and tragic destruction of Lithuanian education and culture. During the Soviet occupation Lithuanian professors and students not only had their fates determined by political changes but also had very few possibilities to survive in Soviet Lithuania. One of such possibilities was to resist the occupation and Sovietisation. By choosing the resistance of university students and professors against the Soviet rule as the subject of the research the Author poses two basic questions: First, what was the nature of Soviet policy of higher education? What were the forms of Sovietisation of higher education? And, second, what types of students and professors’ resistance were observed?