Инструментальное управление ценностями как операционализация целкй экологической этики
Author(s) | |
Vasiljevas, Aleksandras |
МГЭУ им. А.Д.Сахарова |
Date Issued |
2008 |
Due to growing need of a society in risks diminution specifically business (organizational) ethics becomes additional means of social control. Appropriately this sort of applied ethics purposefully and instrumentally institutionalizes such values as responsibility, compliance, integrity, transparency, trust, etc. in organizations/professions/enterprises. This way the aims of ecological ethics are being operationalized assuring risk management. The instruments of business ethics are employed to strengthen the impact of ecological ethics for opcrationalization of the aims of natural environment preservation. In the given context instrumentalism doesn't contradict humanism, besides (quite the contrary) it becomes effective means of its realization. Ethics management by modern managerial techniques assures transfer from ethics in words to ethics in deeds and thus assists in realization of ecological ethics aims.