Possibilities of managing of informational resources in the adaptive e-service providing system by using domain ontology
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This research work is devoted to creating the service oriented electronic (distance) environment adaptable to the use's needs. The examples o f designing such adaptive e-service providing system are applied for e-learning environment. The paper analyses the possibilities of integrating ontology into the e-service system for learning needs. One of the possible ways to improve distance learning infrastructure and increase its effectiveness is to extend the present e-learning system by integrating domain ontology and forming intelligent agents' framevvork possible, which enables better adaptation of learning resources to user. The quality ofthe e-learning course is largely influenced by competently prepared educational resources and an effective study support system. The issues of decomposing ontology into different levels of understanding are discussed in order to adapt to learner's tasks and goals. A conceptual approach is proposed for extending the existing distance learning system architecture by intelligent and deeper knowledge layers.