Tylieji priesaikos riteriai. Lietuvos pasiuntinybė Vašingtine šaltojo karo metais: monografija
Versus aureus |
Date Issued |
2014 |
Knyga skirta Lietuvos pasiuntinybės Vašingtone istorijai. Šaltojo karo metais joje dirbę diplomatai Povilas Žadeikis, Juozas Kajeckas, dr. Stasys Antanas Bačkis ir Stasys Lozoraitis (jaunesnysis) buvo tarsi riteriai, kurie, davę priesaiką, tyliai dirbo vardan Lietuvos laisvės ir nepriklausomybės, jos sugrįžimo į tarptautinės politikos areną. Remiantis archyviniais dokumentais, akademine literatūra ir atskirų asmenų pasakojimais atskleidžiamas diplomatų sukurtas „nematomas tinklelis“. Jo gijos, apjungusios politinę lietuvių išeiviją, JAV institucijas (Valstybės departamentą) ir okupuotą kraštą, buvo diplomatų veiklos pagrindas.
The first then still unofficial diplomatic contacts between Lithuania and the United States started in 1919. The United States recognized Lithuania de jure and de facto in 1922, and at the end of that same year Vytautas Valdemaras Čarneckis submitted letters of credence to the US State Department. This diplomatic post has functioned continuously ever since. When the Soviet Union occupied Lithuania in 1940, its diplomats serving abroad continued their work and did not abandon their diplomatic duties. Some were recognized by the states of the free democratic world (such as the United States, Great Britain, France, the Holy See). The exceptionality of the Lithuanian embassy in Washington was its activities during the Cold War, that is, in the shadow of major world political events and one super state. The very fact of the diplomats’ recognition and thus activities means that the Republic of Lithuania that functioned in 1918–1940 was not forgotten and existed in the political thinking of some states until 1990 when Lithuania finally unshackled itself from the occupation of the Soviet Union. [...]