Kолективный пoзoв y Литвї
Author(s) | |
Norkus, Rimvydas | Lietuvos Aukščiausiasis Teismas |
Pravo Ukrainy |
Date Issued |
2015 |
The article analyzes experience of Lithuania in developing and introducing of collective action institute. It presents the main factors that influenced the search for an optimal model for collective action in Lithuania from the first introduction of the institute into legislation in 2002 to recent changes in procedural law in 2015. Having largely adopted Norwegian experience, Lithuania introduced the first horizontal tool in the Baltic states designed to consider collective actions. The author examines in detail the features of the institute of collective action stipulated by the Lithuanian legislation. Much attention is paid to delimitation of institutions of collective action and action to protect public interest (including representative action) which, according to the author, is of significant practical importance.